{1st*) First Cut Off list St Stephens College 2016

St. Stephen's College Cut off 2016
St. Stephen's College Cut off 2016

Delhi University is all set to start the second phase of Undergraduate admissions 2016. Though the last date of registrations has been extended to June 22nd, St Stephens College has released the first cut off list for UG Admissions 2016.

Stephen’s follows different admission criteria from other DU colleges and it is considered as one of the best colleges under Delhi University! With various courses being offered at St Stephens College. we see that there has been barely any changes in this year cut off!

First Cut off list St. Stephen's College 2016

St. Stephen’s College Cut off 2016

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St. Stephen’s College Cut Off 2016 

The most sought-after course Eco (Hons) saw the cut-off go down by 0.25 % for all the three streams.

Cut-offs for reserved categories have shown an increase this year.

The highest cut-off is for English (Hons) at 99% for commerce students showing no change.

The only subject that saw an increase was BA Programme for science and commerce students.The cutoff increased to 96.5% for science stream students and 97% for commerce stream students.

Even for science courses,the cut-offs have decreased.Only Physics (Hons) saw an increase of 0.33%.

These cut-offs only qualify an aspirant and they will have to sit for an aptitude test and an interview. 15% weightage is given to the aptitude test and interview and 85% to the Class 12th Board Exam marks.

St. Stephens College University of Delhi

St. Stephens College Delhi University

First Cut Off List 2016 For St Stephens College

Course wise Delhi University St Stephens College Cut Off 2016 :

S.No. Course Category Science BFS Commerce (BFS) Humanities (BFS) Rider
1 B.A. Programme GEN 96.5 97 96
SC 94.5 95 94
ST 93.5 94 93
COTH 88.5 89 88
CNI 81.5 82 81
CNID 81.5 82 81
CST 86.5 87 86
CPH 76.5 77 76
PH 91.5 92 91
UR 81.5 82 81
2 Economics GEN 97.25 98.25 96.75 Maths 90%
SC 93.25 94.25 92.75 Maths 85%
ST 93.25 94.25 92.75 Maths 85%
COTH 93.25 94.25 92.75 Maths 86%
CNI 82.25 83.25 81.75 Maths 75%
CNID 82.25 83.25 81.75 Maths 75%
CST 82.25 83.25 81.75 Maths 75%
CPH 72.25 73.25 71.75 Maths 65%
PH 72.25 73.25 71.75 Maths 65%
3 Mathematics GEN 97 97 96 Include Maths in BFS
SC 94 94 93 Include Maths in BFS
ST 93 93 92 Include Maths in BFS
COTH 92 92 91 Include Maths in BFS
CNI 82 82 81 Include Maths in BFS
CNID 82 82 81 Include Maths in BFS
CST 82 82 81 Include Maths in BFS
CPH 82 82 81 Include Maths in BFS
PH 85 85 84 Include Maths in BFS
4 English GEN 98 99 97.5 Eng. Core 90% .or. Elec. Eng. 85%
SC 96 97 95.5 Eng. Core 88% .or. Elec. Eng. 83%
ST 95 96 94.5 Eng. Core 88% .or. Elec. Eng. 83%
COTH 95 96 94.5 Eng. Core 88% .or. Elec. Eng. 83%
CNI 89 90 88.5 Eng. Core 84% .or. Elec. Eng. 79%
CNID 89 90 88.5 Eng. Core 84% .or. Elec. Eng. 79%
CST 93 94 92.5 Eng. Core 89% .or. Elec. Eng. 84%
CPH 83 84 82.5 Eng. Core 80% .or. Elec. Eng. 75%
PH 95 96 94.5 Eng. Core 87% .or. Elec. Eng. 82%
5 History GEN 97.25 98 96.75
SC 95.25 96 94.75
ST 93.25 94 92.75
COTH 91.25 92 90.75
CNI 82.25 83 81.75
CNID 82.25 83 81.75
CST 93.25 94 92.75
CPH 82.25 83 81.75
PH 93.25 94 92.75
6 Philosophy GEN 96 97 95.75
SC 94 95 93.75
ST 91 92 90.75
COTH 92 93 91.75
CNI 81 82 80.75
CNID 81 82 80.75
CST 91 92 90.75
CPH 81 82 80.75
PH 91 92 90.75
7 Sanskrit GEN 75 80 70
SC 70 75 65
ST 70 75 65
COTH 70 75 65
CNI 70 75 65
CNID 70 75 65
CST 70 75 65
CPH 70 75 65
PH 60 65 55
8 Chemistry GEN 96.33 PCM (PHY, CHEM, MATH)
SC 94.33
ST 86.33
COTH 81.33
CNI 81.33
CNID 81.33
CST 81.33
CPH 81.33
PH 81.33
9 Physics GEN 97.33 PCM (PHY, CHEM, MATH)
SC 93.33
ST 93.33
COTH 89.33
CNI 82.33
CNID 82.33
CST 82.33
CPH 82.33
PH 82.33
S.No. Course Category Science
10 B.Sc. Programme (Maths, Phy, Chem) GEN 95.33 PCM (PHY, CHEM, MATH)
SC 91.33
ST 90.33
COTH 80.33
CNI 80.33
CNID 80.33
CST 80.33
CPH 80.33
PH 80.33
11 B.Sc. Programme (Maths, Phy, Comp. Sci.) GEN 96.33 PCM (PHY, CHEM/COMP.SC., MATH)
SC 91.33
ST 91.33
COTH 91.33
CNI 81.33
CNID 81.33
CST 81.33
CPH 81.33
PH 81.33
GEN General (Non Christian)
SC / ST Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe (Non Christian)
CST General Scheduled Tribe / Dalit
CNI Church of north india
CNID CNI Delhi Diocese
COTH Christian Others
PWD Person With Disability
CPH Christian Physically Challenged
URDU URDU Candidate

You can check out more about St. Stephen’s college from here. One can find all the necessary details regarding First Cut Off List by Stephens College from their Official Site from

You can find all the necessary details regarding First Cut Off List by Stephens College from their Official Site from here.

We wish you best for your admissions. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our website and faccebook page to receive instant admission updates.


Readers Comments (13)

  1. Do st.stephens release 2/3 cutoff lists and when ?

  2. Can I get N admission in St Stephens college having 92.25 %in any cut off list

  3. i have filled st stephens undergraduate form. how i will come to know whether i am selected for interview or not. in du i have applied with eca quota , obc category. i filled trials for badminton too in st stephens.

  4. My daughter got 94.25 (bfs),in B.A.history (h)is there any possibility of my admission in st.stephens.

  5. Mohammad sahil June 19, 2016 @ 8:36 pm

    the OBC category is not given in the cut off list

  6. Why is obc category not given in the cut off list?

  7. What is cut-off for B.com stream?

  8. Sir
    whether the percentage of marks obtained in PCM is considered for deciding the merit for admission in B.Sc.(Hons) in DU or the percentage of marks obtained in best four subjects including PCM. kindly clear this point. Thanks.

  9. pratap chandra June 30, 2016 @ 8:54 pm

    My son got 75% and rashtrapati award 2015 can he got admission stifan college as PCM categry as sc.

  10. What is Bfs ? Best of Four Subjects ?

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